Thursday, March 22, 2007

Up and down and up and down and up

Man, I have been like a flaming yoyo these past few days - from tears to elation, from bouncing to putting my head on the desk and sighing heavily! (and dramatically) This week I am Queen of opposing emotions. Why? God knows. Probably hormones, but I wouldn't recommend suggesting that to me (married men and all women will understand I'm sure). I'm having an up moment right now, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to write!

The Great thing about all this is that I am going back up so quickly nowadays. 7 years ago I would be down for WEEKS, 4 years ago it would have been days, now it's a couple of hours max. And I've been reminded from several sources today that negative emotion is not 'wrong', it just doesn't feel good! When you're in a negative emotion, you want to feel a bit better. Be kind to yourself and notice that 'bit' better - don't try to climb a mountain in one step!

I wanted to share a few of the things that have helped me come 'up' over the past 2 days - my mate Julie, Life On Mars (tv), The Beat (best of CD), my dog, sunshine, connection to my being, bouncing, a crummy feel good movie, a good book, e-mails from clients, feedback from readers of various things I write, jaffa cakes, fresh air and laughter. I'm not going to bother telling you the down ones - suffice to say 'worry, hormones and stress' cover it pretty well!

Are you aware of the things that make you feel a bit better and help you to 'come up'? Do you consciously seek them out when you feel bad? Or for that matter do you consciously seek them out all the time? Remember, nothing is more important than that you feel good.



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