Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Bah humbug to cards, up with herds of goats!

Oh, the rampant commercialism of Christmas, all that wasted paper (all those TREES!), all that hassle. Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE Christmas - I love the pressies, the excuse to shop, the tinsel, the midnight mass, the huge lunch and the sofa snooze. What I don't love is spending hours trying to figure out what the heck to get people who already have everything, and endlessly writing 'To so-and-so, love Donna' with all the joy and inspiration of a wet rag.

This year, I decided I wanted to put a personal message in every card. However, the realities of card writing hit me and I decided to bring my card sending to a bare minimum and instead buy something from World Vision or Oxfam (I got an emergency water kit) rather than send reams of cards...and send a personal e-mail to people. Much better. And in some of them, I put a thank you - for what these people have meant to me this year.

Not everyone got this, some I don't know too well, some I haven't seen this year, but a few have had a massive impact on me this year - and I wanted those people to know it, and know how much I appreciated it. Doing those was an absolute delight...sadly I ran out of enthusiasm again and haven't done all the ones I intended to! (but I was going to send it to everyone I've ever met, which was ambitious...or foolish)

Do you know what's really annoying though? I have about 100 cards stored up - leftovers from years gone by and this year...and there they are, taking up space. Which is good, cos NEXT YEAR, I am going to start in September, and I will put a personal message in each and every card...honest!

Thank you, dear readers, for being with me this year - I look forward to getting to know you more in 2007! Merry Christmas!



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