Friday, December 01, 2006

Self Expression

Today I had a belly dancing class - the first in a couple of weeks because my dance teacher has been diving in the Maldives. I haven't practiced at all (very naughty of me!), but today I realised just how much I had missed dancing. How much I missed having that chance of self expression, the chance to be a woman with a jangly belt and curves - not just a business woman or a woman whose body never sees a dress!

There are some people who think I'm barmy because I go to belly dancing (and many more people who think I am barmy for many other reasons!). What I say to those people is this - firstly, yes I am barmy...I don't know one sane person. And secondly, don't knock it. Getting out of your comfort zone and doing something very different is liberating, fun, it helps you to grow as a person, and helps you realise that there is a whole 'nother world out there you knew nothing about.

It is too easy to have a very 'narrow' life - of family, home, work, friends...that's fine when you are enjoying it, but the reason that many people are so stressed is that they are bored! Get out of your comfortable little rut, and go do something interesting! Make your Christmas present to yourself something that you have never done but wanted to try, you never know, you might find yourself completely captivated.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to perfect my Egyptian walk.



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