Friday, May 09, 2008

Your 'To-Do' list vs Your Peace of Mind

So, here I am, it's after 5 on Friday afternoon, and I still have 2 hours minimum of work left on my 'to do' list. Hmmm...I think there is going to be stuff left undone this week! I have a very simple criteria to run by when I get to this point - will the world end if I don't do it? None of the items on my list are world altering at all.

Unless of course, I decide to berate myself for being rubbish, useless, lazy, etc. But why would I? Ok, this is the first time I have got round to writing my blog this week (can you believe a week has gone by ALREADY?!), and there are actions on here that I really could do with taking. But it isn't more important than my peace of mind!

Are you allowing the un-done items on your to-do list be more important than your peace of mind? And if so, WHY?! If the world won't be knocked off its orbit, it is something that can be done tomorrow. Or maybe the next day! In the meantime, have a GREAT weekend! I intend to.



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