Saturday, September 30, 2006

Time to get tough about your time

In these days of 'too much to do' it consistently amazes me that we insist on filling up our time with things we don't love doing. We accept every invitation as if we are obligated to do so, then complain that we have no time left to do things we want to do because we're too busy with 'duty calls'. Mental.

My favourite way of cutting out the chaff is to use the rule of thumb 'if it is not a definite yes, it's a no.' No ifs, buts or maybes, if you don't immediately think 'YES! I'd love to do that', then say no. You can scream NOOOOO if you want, or you could say 'no, I'm afraid I am busy'. Saying no doesn't have to be a horrible thing. After all, don't you just hate it when a friend comes with you to something they clearly don't want to attend? Instead of enjoying yourself, you find yourself babysitting them and going home early. Bah.

If it ain't a definite yes, it's a no. Try it.



Friday, September 29, 2006

Money, money, money

I've been balancing the books today and I noticed that I was tense about my I've been contemplating this question:

Why do I believe I have to be tense about money?

The answers were interesting - because if I get complacent I'll get poor, because if I am relaxed I'll forget things and get in a mess, because I want more and tension will remind me to work hard.

Are any of these true?

No, they are all utter bollocks. What is actually true is that my tension DOES NOT help in any way shape or form.

Time to relax methinks.



Thursday, September 28, 2006

Going boss-eyed

For the past few days, I have been back at my project of optimising my website - - this is a project that over the last 6 months I have alternately found enthusiasm for and lost all interest in. My previous life was in IT, and I have an interest in technology - which goes as far as 'ooh, you can do that, do I?' And because my interest is in no way deep enough to send me on a course or to spend 24 hours surfing for information, I get bored easily and stuck quickly!

Just goes to show that I was never meant to be an IT bod. In the meantime, I carry on getting enthusiastic then bored, finding some fabulously useful information and just as quickly finding the opposite opinion elsewhere! It's a very frustrating thing, this SEO stuff - and I am very grateful that when I am enormously wealthy (as I plan to be, just as soon as I can), I will be able to get someone else who knows and gives a shit about SEO to do it for me. Then I can irritate them by thinking I know something about it and asking stupid questions! HAZAH. Can't wait.

What's in this for you? Nothing. If I have to be mind-numbingly bored by this stuff, so do you!


PS If you were fabulously wealthy (like you're planning to be, just as soon as you can) what will you get someone else to do for you?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Is Your Life Too Small for You?

A characteristic of many people who seek me out to work with is that they feel their life is too small. They feel stifled, hemmed in, trapped by a life that is unsatisfying (despite the 'good job, nice house, lovely partner and family' they seem to have). Have you ever felt this way? Like your life is something you've grown out of? Much like that favourity fairy dress or batman outfit from childhood.

Perhaps this is true...and it doesn't make your current life 'bad' - just as it didn't make the fairy dress 'bad' - imagine if you were still trying to wear said fairy dress today - might that be a little restricting, constricting and frankly, odd!? Have you outgrown your life? Are you too big for the 2.4 average life that others are 'happy' in? (And are they really, truly happy?)

If you're feeling restricted and dis-satisfied by your life, it's time for you to play a bigger game - what do you need to do to start 'playing big'?

And for me, this feeling of restriction is a positive thing...becasue it shows growth. You can only get bigger as a person by growing as a person - how wonderful that we are ready to move on to a new phase. The timing couldn't be better to get a bigger part in a bigger play on a bigger stage!



Tuesday, September 26, 2006

See Yourself, Celebrate What You See

My friend and fellow your natural way leader and coach, Joseph Seiler ( has a lovely saying - 'see yourself, celebrate what you see'. Beautiful isn't it?

Go on, I urge you. See yourself, really see yourself - and celebrate what you see - celebrate ALL of who you are, not just the bits you think are acceptable - ALL of you.

With pure self acceptance and joy like this, your life is wonderful.



Monday, September 25, 2006

What I do...

It occurs to me that although I know exactly what I do, there are those who might not.

I work with people one on one and in groups to help them to find their purpose, passion and joy in life. How? By coaching, teaching techniques, ideas and concepts, showing, telling stories - whatever works! One to one I will work with people to find out what gives them joy and how they will access more of that joy - it is different for everyone as we are all unique. In groups I work on the telephone and in workshops (where I stand at the front and talk and coach as a leader) to do exactly the same thing.

What do people get from this? More confidence, greater clarity on why they are here and what they want from life, more joy, more passion, more self love, a sense that they are responsible for their lives, a chance to make their lives amazing and their world a better place.

Who do I work with? Fun, creative, energetic, joyful, passionate people...or people who want to be these things! Contrary to popular belief, coaching is not for 'broken' people - it is for whole people who want to access the magnificence that they are at heart. And each one of us is truly magnificent and unique.

Who do you know who would like more confidence, joy, clarity, passion, fun, responsiblity for their own lives? Maybe they would benefit from coaching? I have room in my coaching practice right now for 6 new clients - get in touch now to be one of them!


PS do those around you know exactly what you do and how they can help you?

Sunday, September 24, 2006

A readership!

One of the very strange things about writing a blog is that you often have no idea how many people (if any) are reading what you write. You imagine that someone, somewhere might be flicking a careless eye over your words...but you don't know. 3 weeks ago I had myself almost convinced that there was not a soul out there reading this blog. Then a few people got in touch to say they'd read and enjoyed my blog, and even better, I was berated by friends that they found out about Copenhagen and Chronic Fatigue from reading this!

So now I know there is a readership, and I am delighted that you are learning about me and enjoying what I have to say. HAZAH! (and slightly wierded out that people I don't know are reading's a very random world we now live in) It just goes to prove that 'unseen impact' - just cos I don't know you're reading, doesn't mean I have no impact. Ye gods, this is like one of those 'if a tree falls over in the woods and nobody's there' questions isn't it?

And it strikes me that everyone should have a blog, so that in the press of life these days, their friends can catch up with what's going on for them! (of course, much better to spend time with them in person...but if they live in Australia and you don't, that's difficult!)

Anyway, thank you for reading. Thank you for being there. Thank you for getting in touch. Thank you for being you. Love ya.


Saturday, September 23, 2006

Perpetually 6 years old!

Last night I performed a belly dance routine in public for the first time - with 8 other dancers. Oh, what fun! I was utterly terrified, and finally perfected the art of shimmying - just be so frightened that your knees shake and your shimmies will be wonderful! Also at the Hafla were some very experienced and quite wonderful dancers - I spent the evening 'wow'ing all over the place. And the dancer who belly danced to Muse was magnificent - I'm going to see them in November and intend to belly dance my way through super massive black hole. ;-)

I also spent a lot of time going 'I wanna be dancing' 'I want a veil' 'I want to dance with a sword' 'I wanna learn to do THAT' 'I want a drum' 'I want a bright red coin belt' 'i wanna dance with a tall handsome man'...ooh so exciting! When it comes to new, exciting, funky and slightly bizarre things, I am forever 6 years old - clapping my hands and bouncing up and down. And I love that.

What would change for you today if you had the joy and excitement of a 6 year old? Go on, try it! Most of us spend far too much time being sensible and old - see the world through the eyes of the magical child.



Wednesday, September 13, 2006

What are you hiding?

I realised yesterday that I had been keeping a 'dirty little secret' from my friends - I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Because I present the image of being bouncy, lively, high and happy, people assume I am like that all the time. The truth is that sometimes I 'disappear' because I am too exhausted to speak to people and too wiped out to work!

I had not deliberately 'lied' or misrepresented myself - but by hiding away the fact that I've been poorly I denied people the chance to help me. My loss.

What are you hiding that people could help you with if only you'd let them know?



Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Just because...

I was sent this today by a friend:

Just because no one has been fortunate enough to realise what a goldmine you are, doesn't mean you shine any less.
Just because no one has been smart enough to figure out that you can't be topped, doesn't stop you from being the best.
Just because no one has come along to share your life, doesn't mean that day isn't coming.
Just because no one has made this race worthwhile, doesn't give you permission to stop running.
Just because no one has realised how much of a woman you are, doesn't mean they affect your femininity.
Just because no one has come along to take the loneliness away, doesn't mean you have to settle for a lower quality of life.
Just because no one has shown up who can love you on your level, doesn't mean you have to sink to theirs.
Just because you deserve the very best there is, doesn't mean that life is always fair.
Just because God is still preparing your king, doesn't mean that you are not already a queen.
Just because your situation doesn't seem to be progressing right now, doesn't mean you need to change a thing.
Keep shining.
Keep running.
Keep hoping.
Keep praying.
Keep being exactly what you are already ....COMPLETE.




Monday, September 11, 2006

A true, if slightly random, story

Last night I was walking my dog around the lanes, when we came across a farmer moving his cattle. My dog is skittish and was spooked by the proximity of the cow, which in turn was spooked...and butted me into the hedge and the stinging nettles. I was stung about a thousand times on my elbow and behind, which both swelled up, forcing me to take anti-histamine.

I'm still slightly dozy from the anti histamine, the stings are still prickling my skin, and I have a rather large bruise on my behind. What a way to start the week!



Saturday, September 09, 2006

The most wasted day

I love the quote "the most wasted day is that in which one has not laughed". Mostly I agree...but today, the most wasted day is the hungover day. There are so many things I could be doing - the sun is shining, there are chores galore to do, magazines to be read, interesting and thought provoking blog entries to be written ;-).

Instead, I have wandered around the house like a little lost soul, picking up water, painkillers and sugary food by turn, unable to concentrate or even make a decision on what to do with myself. I don't drink much because it makes me ill, miserable, depressed and grumpy, and it is a rare day that I have drunk so much to be actually hungover (despite spending most of my twenties in that state!). When I do, I regret the choice of more booze - the craic is never worth the utter waste of a day.

Although I haven't done this since I was a wage slave, I think the time has come to renounce this day and start again tomorrow!


PS I am very grateful for the lessons beer has taught me over the years - most pressingly today, that last drink is NEVER a good idea!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Howling at the Moon

Ever since I started reading Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, I have found the wild woman within me being stirred by nature more than ever. Where previously, at the time of a full moon, I have had a brief thought at howling at it and dismissed it, now the impulse is stronger, and even if I haven't given in to the impulse YET (don't want to scare the neighbours you see), I am listening more to that wildish nature.

Try it - get out in that full moon and just let her see you. Why? I have no idea...but for some wild womanly reason, I feel very connected to the universe this evening. I shall be falling asleep tonight again with the light of the moon on my face...and somehow that feels very right.



Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The unseen effect

It never fails to amaze me how the universe will conspire to give you help and inspiration when you need it - if you are willing to listen. I have been putting off blogging all day because I didn't know what to write...and putting off a few other things too for that matter. As I am a Master at pissing about, I have occupied my time well - booking tickets, shopping, e-mailing, writing anything but my blog.

Just as I was about to give up for the day, I had an e-mail from Celia just saying 'thank you' for what I'm doing. The effect of this has been electrifying on me! I noticed straight away that THIS is what I want to write about today - the effect that you have on people just by doing what you do. I had an effect on Celia that prompted her to e-mail me, Celia had the effect of inspiring me and totally cheering me up on a grey wednesday nowhere near the beach!

As you read this, you are having an impact on someone else's life - make it like mine and Celia's - one that makes others grateful! Now I can get on with the other things I need to do with a big smile on my face.


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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Do you think you are up to it?

In your life, you have learned to walk, talk, read, write, drive, use money, argue, use your bodily functions, dance, run, catch, whistle (I still can't do that!), sing, laugh, smile, and hundreds of other wonderful things. Never think you are an underachiever - you achieved much by the time you were 3!

Your toddler self laughed when she landed on her bum, was curious and determined and never took herself too seriously. You are still that curious and determined child at your very core - peel back the layers to find you again, and once again become the adventurer you were.



Saturday, September 02, 2006

Laughter is infectious

Laughter is infectious
You catch it like the flu
I saw a laughing yogi today
And I started laughing too
Want to laugh yourself today?
Then here's the link for you!

Laughing Yogi

Happy laughing!



Friday, September 01, 2006

Happy September!

Can you believe it is September already? I say this every month - each new month always seems to creep up on me with increasing rapidity. Sometimes this stresses me out because I think time is 'running away' or i am 'running out' of time. I read in a book recently that time is just how everything doesn't happen at once - an interesting, if slightly mind-blowing concept.

My favourite belief/saying about time is that 'everything is happening in the perfect time and space - all is as it should be'. Perhaps more of us should adapt that kind of thinking?

Wishing you a great time in September!

