Monday, February 26, 2007

Back to my happy clappy best!

Hi there

I keep reading that post from last Thursday and it wrong to find myself so funny?! Anyway, following a weekend of more ups and downs, I am beginning this week on fine form. Next doors dog was once more kind enough to wake me up earlier than I anticipated, I had once again had a less than satisfactory night's sleep (nightmares, ugh!) and it's Monday with a busy week ahead.

But do you know what? I have been cheerful today. The difference? A different choice. I chose not to lose my rag at the dog, I chose not to dwell on being tired, I chose to enjoy my day despite a less than perfect start, I chose to do as much as I could to care for me and make me feel good. Result? A cheery me. Hoorah! I also chose last week to get as much as possible done then so I didn't have to do it all today as I'm out of the office til Friday.

What a relief. So, I have actually been looking around my desk thinking 'what do I need to do'. Nothing. And all because I made some good choices.

What choices did you make today?



Thursday, February 22, 2007

Sod off with your happy clappy crap

Ever have a bad day? Next door's dog wakes you up for the 84th morning in a row barking his head off at a mouse farting 3 miles away, you slip in the shower, all the lights are red, it's bloody raining, nothing you are expecting has arrived, you feel as creative as a paving slab, and some idiot is trying to cheer you up.

Sadly for me, that 'some idiot' is me! So far today, I have tried music (didn't drown out the feckin dog!), yoga (couldn't be bothered to do more than 2 sun salutes), dancing (not in the mood), getting out of the house (it's bloody raining), shifting myself up the emotional scale (worked for about 5 minutes), looking at my life vision (worked for about 5 minutes), tidying up (do I look like I'm in the mood for fecking housework?), gratitude (yeah, yeah), accepting that I'm in a bad mood and not trying to change it for a while, and watching Blackadder episodes.

Blackadder did work up until I got back to my desk. So lastly, I try writing about it. And FINALLY, something that's working! It's largely working because I am so amused at my grim determination to be in a bad mood and therefore have a bad day! I know that this is my choice, so it begs the question 'why the f... would I choose to be grumpy?'. After some 'I don't bloody know' type answers, I discover my bad mood is trying to do me a favour.

On the basis that every part of every body has a positive intention, my bad mood is doing it's absolute best to get me to chill out and DO WHAT I WANT TO DO. I really don't want to be sat at my desk today, but because I am out with friends later and I have a 'to do' list, I feel like I 'have to'. Nonsense. It would be good if I did, but if I don't the world won't end.

And here's the other element - I haven't been sleeping for days, my throat is sore, my head is banging, I am feeling really uncared for. It's a shame for me. The solution? Give myself a break - do what I have to do this afternoon (2 things), then do what I want to do for an hour before I go out...aaaaaaah, the sun's coming out, bad mood is disappearing, job well done.

A couple of things for you from this:
Number one - remember that every part of every body has a positive intention, what's your bad mood/procrastination/sadness telling you?
And number two - if at first you don't succeed in cheering yourself up, try and try again. In this posting are 11 ways I can lift my mood...there's at least another 40 options. Love yourself enough to want you in the best possible frame of mind. How do you cheer you up?



Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Caught out by the light nights

I've been having a lovely pottering day today - it's the only day I didn't have any client calls so I could basically do as I pleased...and I have. Late afternoon I walked the dog, having a lovely mooch and getting into my ideas for the future of my business. I sat back down a few minutes ago to do another hour's work before tea, glanced at the time and thought...WHAT?

How the bloody hell did it get to be quarter to six? And still light, no less! Now there are 2 things here - one is reacting to my day being suddenly cut short by an hour (to which I reacted with a remarkable lack of stress! Stuff I was going to do in that hour are not going to get done...C'est la vie. No one will die.). Second is the very exciting reminder that the nights are getting lighter!

Now, those of you with a decent memory may recall that I am bringing my body in tune with the seasons - ie I sleep all winter and wake up in the spring. The lighter nights for me are a natural cause for celebration because I love them, they are a sign of spring and a sign for my energy to start perking up again. HAZAH!

What causes for celebration do you have on this lovely Wednesday?



Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Inspiration vs motivation

Inspiration is when I want to, motivation is when I think I have to or should.

Inspiration works best.



Monday, February 19, 2007

It's just a walk

I was out walking the dog today, and I got to considering how much even this simple action needs:
- the eyes to see where I'm going
- the legs and feet and ability to walk
- the appropriate clothing for muddy fields
- the arms, hands and fingers to hold the dog lead and poo bag
- the brain and disposition to enjoy the experience
- the air, larynx and voice to yell at the dog when she's digging up a rabbit hole
- the ability to experience joy when the sun came out (I thought I'd get pissed on!)

There are a lot of people who don't have these things. Especially the last one. The ability to experience joy. Walking the dog? And everywhere else. Seriously, the sun came out and I laughed aloud with glee...this is my most treasured ability - because all these little moments of joyfulness lead to a life of joyfulness.

Today, think about how much is involved in one simple task - driving home (the car, the co-ordination, the drilling of the oil to make the petrol etc), putting on the kettle (the miracle of electricity, the co-ordination, the magic of a tea bag), whatever it is you are doing - and look for those moments of joy. Savour them, remember them, talk about them...have more of them!



Saturday, February 17, 2007

Their Business

There are people in this world I care about very much. All my friends, family, clients, even people I don't know about yet! I care intensely about the people in this world. I care that they are happy, that they feel free to be themselves, that they have confidence and joy in their life, that they are the very best them they can be, that they can accept themselves.

When you care about someone very much, isn't it natural to worry about them? Hmm. Maybe 'habitual' rather than 'natural'. Now you see, because I am giving up worrying for lent, I need to extend this out to not worrying about other words staying out of their business. Of course, if they need me to talk to them, I will. If they need me to help them, I will. But I shan't worry.

What's the point? Can I change their circumstances? No. (and even if I think I know the answer, would I be happy for them to live my life for me? NO.) Sometimes your friends lives are like car-crash tv...and all you can do is watch, horrified. What if you trusted them to make the right decisions for them (even if it appears to be a monumental f-up!)? Would you be in their business?

Whose life are you living anyway? Me, I'm living mine...and working on staying in my own business and out of everyone else's. Because I trust them to do the right thing for them. And I know whatever they do, they'll be ok...and I'll still be here to be their friend whatever happens.



Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Giving up...for Lent

Most years I give up either coffee (which I don't drink) or chocolate (which I eat in copious quantities). However, this year I have decided to give up...


Yes, for the next 40 days and 40 nights, I am not going to worry. Whenever something threatens to mither me, I shall TRUST that it will all work out in the end.

Wish me luck!

Join me?



Love thyself

This week I saw someone say that St Valentine is the Patron Saint of Disappointment, which entertained me very much. As a single woman I don't take a great deal of notice of Valentine's Day...and even if I were married, I suspect the rampant commercialism of it would irritate me. Most years around this time, I have written a newsletter about loving yourself and treating yourself as you wish to be treated.

I haven't done this year, and notice no desire at all to do so. And in the papers today, I realised why. I read about a couple who've been married for 80 years or something mind-blowing like that. Their secret? Love is for everyday, not just Valentine's Day.

So this is just a mini reminder, love yourself. Treat yourself as you would love to be treated by your life partner. And do it every day.



Monday, February 12, 2007

I'm lovin the feedback

Every Monday I send out a newsletter on something that has caught my attention as important in the last week - this week it was the question 'what would you want to say had happened in your life in the last year on 12th Feb 2008?' (to sign up, go to

That's not what I want to write about today - it's the feedback. I love getting feedback from what I write, it's great to hear that I am cheering people up every Monday, helping them to have fun, and that they read my articles compulsively!! I reply to everyone, and I appreciate all of the comments more than I can say.

Like everybody else in the world, sometimes I wonder if I'm having any impact at all, and because of this feedback I KNOW I am. I feel great. I am inspired to keep going...and I know that there are lots of people out there who haven't replied who are also being positively affected. Do you tell the people who impact you just how much they mean?

Do you take a minute to just say to someone 'you made me smile' or 'thank you'? I'm here to tell you that very simple action has a massive impact on someone's day. And when you do it more, people do it to you more too! A lovely consequence of a lovely loving act.

Thank you for reading - I write this just for you!



Thursday, February 08, 2007

2 inches of snow, down tools

I'm not a big watcher of the news (it's too depressing!), but todayI thoroughly enjoyed watching the snowball fights and the snowmen and the fun. And as for me I enjoyed playing in the snow with the dog and loved spending the day spontaneously watching tv in front of the fire, walking in the snow, being wrapped up in the duvet and occasionally working.

My god, I am lucky!

thanks a million for my life.

Hope you have been enjoying the snow!



Wednesday, February 07, 2007

It's the little things

At the start of this week, I was stressed. My bank account was looking a little pale (xmas, holiday, dad's 60th, over-excitement at not being maxed out on overdraft in Jan) and then a couple of little things happened - I realised I needed petrol, and my shopping came to more than expected. Only 2 little things, but they threatened to send me crashing over the edge. (PMT didn't help!)

And then, the tide turned dramatically. I won some beetroot (the fact that I don't like beetroot is irrelevant!), I was sent a subscription to an online magazine, a friend sent me a dvd, I got some books I'd been really looking forward to from Amazon, my friend's birthday night out cost less than anticipated. Again, each of these may sound like really small, insignificant things but they meant the world to me, and arrived at just the right time.

Normally, I would have dwelt on the 2 little 'bad' things (and I could have added more) and worked myself into a frenzy of stress, completely ignoring all the little good things (or making them 'bad' - cursing myself for spending money on something as frivolous as books when there's petrol to buy!). But this time it was the opposite. Law of Attraction - like attracts like. So, focusing on the good stuff makes you feel good and attracts more good stuff. Fabulous.

So, thank you to those people whose generosity this week have kept me focused on how good I have feels good!



Monday, February 05, 2007

The Bulldozer Diaries

My first coach gave me a road-based metaphor for my journey - a bulldozer haring off through the wilderness, crashing through the woods, falling down cliffs, etc. For some time I've been entertaining myself with 'the bulldozer diaries' and today I decided to share them with the world! Check them out at Truly random.

Seriously though - putting your journey into a road based metaphor is surprisingly insightful and helpful! What can seem like a disaster in real life just looks funny inside a road based metaphor, and what you need to do can become obvious once you get yourself out of it. Like when I was stuck in quicksand...the answer was to go backwards (something I would have resisted in 'real' the metaphor it was obvious).

Try it - what is your vehicle? What road are you on? Or are you an off roader like me? What are the signposts (or quicksand bogs) telling you? How's your fuel tank? Where are you going? Is that where you wanted to go? Have some fun with this, it's a scream...and I'd love to hear about it!



Friday, February 02, 2007

Who is this peaceful lady?

Last week a friend of mine commented on how much calmer and more peaceful I was these days. I personally hadn't really noticed because I still have my hysterical, furious, over-reacting moments. Once I thought about it though, these happen rarely (as opposed to hourly!). And then, yesterday I got stuck in traffic. This is how it normally goes:

"oh SHIT, traffic. what the f*** is going on here. oh great, i'm going to be late. seethe. well, I can't do anything so might as well chill and turn the radio up. oh good, 3rd gear. now why the hell are we stopped again?!! has some other idiot had an accident? Great. Not. Oh wow 5th gear - can I stand the excitement?! oh for f***s sake, why have we stopped AGAIN. Grrrr." and so on for the length of the delay.

Yesterday, it went "Oh shit, traffic. Wonder what's happened. Turn the radio up. Dance about. Smile at other drivers trying to switch lanes (and then getting stuck). Sing loudly. Open window and wave arms about in a stretching sort of way. Advise client am running between half an hour and 2 hours late depending on what happens. Accept situation completely. Be amused by angry drivers. Laugh aloud with joy at other people who are singing and dancing." and so on.

Wierd. I have been 'Zen'd. I don't claim this will happen every time - this is the first time I have ever been THAT calm in traffic. And here's the thing...I didn't go from 'road rage' to 'zen' in 5 seconds flat, I have made teeny changes over the last few years. To make a complete 180 turn, move 1 degree, then another. Suddenly a complete stranger is driving your car with a peaceful smile on her face. It's all good...always!

