Friday, July 28, 2006

A spooky experience

Last year I had a spooky experience - I was on the train into birmingham and daydreaming about having a car crash (great day dream, huh!). I was dying, and felt a presence come for me. "I'm not ready", I cried, "I still have things to do!" "Like what," asked the presence. I proceeded to list all the things I hadn't done - married, had kids, been in love for more than a year... The presence told me that there were better things than that waiting for me.

Then I said "But I can serve here - I can do so much good here - I can give so much and help many people, please let me stay." The presence showed me a vision of what was possible for me - a vision which had me speaking in front of a huge crowd of people in New York City - and said "you can only stay if you do your best to live up to what you are capable of. Otherwise, you must come with me now." There was no sense of judgement from the presence, and it was made clear that whatever I did would be accepted.

A bolt of fear shot through me - could I live up to that vision? Little old me? The presence once again made it clear that the mission was to 'do my best' - if I never reached my potential, it would be long as I did my best. The decision was made - I decided, regretfully because the sense of love from the presence was compelling, to stay. Then I 'came to' and found myself still on a train to Birmingham.

Odd. Spooky. Wierd. Freaky. I hadn't fallen asleep as I'd been aware on some level of the journey, and I don't generally daydream with such vivid feelings and emotions. Was this a spiritual experience? Truthfully, I have no idea. I think it probably was...and I keep an open mind. Now, I wish everyone could have that experience, perhaps on a significant birthday, so that they could realise that they are loved, deeply loved, that they have a contribution to make to this earth, and that it is ok not to be the very best you could have been as long as you did your best.

Knowing that, feeling that has helped me to accept that I have purpose in life, that I can contribue, that I am capable, and that I am supported.

If you knew that you had purpose, could contribute, were capable and supported, what could you achieve in your life?



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