Friday, October 06, 2006

Caught up in the story

How caught up in your story are you? How much of what you accept is 'true' and 'real' is actually just the tapestry you have woven?

For example, this week I have been very caught up in my story which goes something like this 'I haven't got I have to ...but if I ...I'll lose...and stop...and I can't I can't...and so I'm stuffed'. It's a great story - a weepy, and I am the heroic victim. But actually I have made most of it up. I don't really have to do anything or lose anything.

So why have I made up such an elaborate story? At heart it's very simple, I don't want to do what I thought I had to. So I've come up with a million reasons that 'I can't' which are utter bullshit. If that really was the only option, I'd work it out. At core, the problem is simple - and there are several solutions once i get my head out of my backside and get creative!

So, what story are you caught up in?
What is the core?
What could you do differently if you got creative?



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