Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Mayhem Outside, Hibernation Inside

Listening to the radio today, I heard there were traffic jams, people out manically shopping and general chaos. I was in it myself yesterday when I popped to town to finish my shopping. It's mad out there. In here, there is a roaring fire, blankets, books, writing materials and drinks. I'm set for the night - I will be staying in the warm and the peace and the quiet (well, quiet-ish - the radio is blaring!).

It's winter-time, it's December, it's cold (in England anyway), it's a time when the rest of nature hibernates...and we all go bananas Christmas shopping! What's wrong with this picture? I have long been of the opinion that we should get December off work to just chill, and sleep, and hibernate. (And a summer month off to enjoy summer, but that's another story!) This December, gift yourself at least one night to sit in front of a warm fire with a book and your choice of food and drink.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand Relax...




Anonymous said...

We did this here last night, decided to stay in as a family and watch some old family videos. It was a wonderful break from the holiday chaos. Enjoyed your blog, happy holidays!

DonnaOnTheBeach said...

Thanks Mindy!

Happy Holidays to you too!