Friday, December 14, 2007

Stuck for Words

I have been sat in front of my laptop for the past 10 minutes, wondering what to write...after all, I've only been in the office 1 day so far this week, and therefore only one blog entry. Guess what? I can't think of a darned thing to write. The ridiculous thing is that I have about 200 ideas in my notebook...but none of them are inspiring anything today.

I wonder if that's because I am trying to write because I 'should' and I don't want to let readers down instead of because I want to and have something to say? Think I've hit the nail on the head there!

Do you find that when you do something because you 'should' it is harder to do than when you want to? What can you do to do more you want and less you should?

My answer is 'yes', and I can finish here...without saying anything...



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