Monday, April 14, 2008

OnTheBeach - Powerless

- A note from Donna -

Well, the day I'd set aside for putting the finishing touches to the Torturer's Bible and setting up the webpage is a bit of a washout. We had a fuse burnout and the entire fuse box is being replaced as I speak! So, I am without Power. So you have another short wait before you can get your hands on this free ebook! If you are not already in the queue and would like to be among the first in the world to get a copy, e-mail me with "What's that queue for? Must be something good, I'm going to join" in the subject line. Spookily enough, today's subject fits well with this month's recommended read - check it out.

- Powerless -

So I'm writing this article in the old-fashioned way - pen and paper - by daylight as I have no electricity. But for the sound of cars going by, I could be in another century. The house is incredibly still - not just quiet, but still. It's rather nice actually! When I first discovered I would be without power for hours on end, I was lost! No computer, no radio, no light, no tv, no phone. I can't even make the electrician a cuppa or myself a toastie.

So I took the dog for a nice walk. It was lovely - the sun was shining, and because I had no reason to rush back, it was very leisurely. Normally I am walking along thinking of what is going to happen when I return, but today there was going to be nothing happening without Power. I did think of several things I could do with the 'powerless' time, but there's a curious feeling of ease and patience about it. There's no rush to 'do' anything, no sense of time passing. There is just a curious serenity about the day.

In this world in this century, we are constantly being assaulted by technology. There is too much to do and too little time and we have very little 'down-time'. Proper, quality down time, where there is no hurry to get anything done. Even on holiday, if we are so inclined, we can fill up every last moment with things to do. I feel quite sleepy, and yet also feel that I am being energised by this curiously calm space. Although I could break the silence with my MP3 player, I am happy enough to enjoy these hours of peace. After all, they are so rare; I may as well enjoy them!

- Something To Play With -

Notice today how much electricity adds to your busy life. Imagine just switching everything off for an hour or two, and only 'doing' what you feel like (that isn't powered by the electricity board!). If that imagining feels good, switch off your computers, phones, tellies and radios and enjoy being powerless! Want to share how this article affects you? E-mail meI love to hear from readers, and will respond to all e-mails.

- Reccommended Read -

In Praise of Slow by Carl Honore Life is such a fast paced ride these days - we have fast food, fast cars, fast internet connection (sometimes!) and there is never enough time to do everything you want to. The hectic pace of life ruins our enjoyment of so many things - food, leisure time, work, love. But does it have to be that way? Carl Honore and I say 'no'. You can slow down your life. It's a choice. You can choose to 'take it easy'. You can choose to put your feet up and just watch the other headless chickens run round. And while you're doing that, read 'In Praise of Slow'!

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