Monday, April 07, 2008

OnTheBeach - WAKE UP it's a Beautiful Morning

- A note from Donna -

Tick, tock, tick, tock. The countdown is on for the launch of my free ebook "The Torturer's Bible" - intrigued?? I am really excited about this project, and that's why it's taking so darn long to finish - I keep adding to it. What was a 15 page mini book is now nearly twice that. I am so lucky to have such wonderful enthusiasm for my work! Just a few more finishing touches, and it WILL be released! And you guys will be the first to know. Want a sneak peek before anyone else gets it? E-mail me with 'I am in the queue with my sleeping bag and flask of hot coffee' in the subject line, and you will be one of the first to get a copy.

- Wake up it's a Beautiful Morning -

What do you wake up to? Do you wake up to the news telling you that it's a depressing day in a depressing world? Do you wake up to some irritating idiot who thinks he's funny? Do you wake up to a jarring beep-beep-beep-beep? Or do you wake up to something that fills you with joy, laughter, happiness, excitement for the day and energy? If you do the latter - congratulations!

What better way to start the day than being woken up by something joyful? Whether it's children, cats, dogs, sunlight, music or the voice of a loved one it's a wonderful thing to start the day feeling good. Now, I say this from the perspective of someone who has NEVER been a morning person! 7am is the middle of the night as far as I am concerned, and I have hated getting up ever since I was in school.

However, in recent years I've got better and better. I'm still a grouch in the morning - just don't speak to me, and I'll be fine - but I've found that much of my hatred of getting up is a matter of attitude…AND what I wake up to. I admit, it does help that I work a lot of the time from home, and I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn, but even then, the insistent, jarring beep-beep-beep-beep would jolt me out of sleep with a racing heart and murder on my mind!

Some time ago I got a CD player alarm clock, so I could wake up to my choice of music every morning…much better! For weeks, I woke up to Antmusic by Adam and the Ants, and just recently I have been waking up to a CD by Abraham Hicks - very inspiring way to start the day! And then yesterday, I had an epiphany - create a CD of morning music. So here's my playlist so far:

Lovely Day by Bill Withers (nice and mellow to begin with)
Feeling Good by Muse (more mellowness)
Beautiful Day by U2 (yep, time to wake up!)
Wake up Boo by the Boo Radleys
Pump It by Black Eyed Peas
What's the story (morning Glory) by Oasis
Any ideas on what to add to this CD? (Just in case I am STILL lying in bed after half an hour of music…which is quite likely!) If you have some ideas, please e-mail me. You know, every morning you wake up alive, full of possibility and promise, IS a beautiful morning.

- Something To Play With -

What do you wake up to? Is it inspiring? Does it fill you with joy? If so, tomorrow morning, revel in that feeling of joy and wonder for 30 seconds before you get up. If not, what can you change today to make tomorrow morning a more beautiful morning? Want to share how this article affects you? E-mail me. I love to hear from readers, and will respond to all e-mails.

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Roo said...

A lovely article Donna. I find that I really lack energy in the mornings, so I think i'll definately give waking up to some energetic and uplifiting music a try!

Becky x

DonnaOnTheBeach said...

Thanks Becky. yep it's working well for me...