Thursday, January 25, 2007

Honouring the seasons

I had a conversation today with a very wise man, Damien Churton, in which I was babbling about being stressed, and he reminded me of living to honour the seasons. For some obscure reason, January is seen as a time of 'new things' - those new year resolutions etc. I had a list of things I was going to start doing 'in the new year'.

But here's the problem, January is a dead month. So, what happens? I have a big list of things I AM NOT GOING TO DO! Ooh, that felt daring. I am convinced that in a previous life I was a bear - a hibernating for the winter bear. So, am I honouring the seasons? Am I f&^%! This is not a season for 'doing new things', that's spring...this is a season for rest, recuperation, sleep.

Insisting on having a 'list' of things I should be doing is just stressing me out. So, today as soon as it gets dark, I will be in front of a roaring fire...honouring the season. Aaaah, the relief!

See you in the spring!



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