Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What are you telling yourself?

I spoke to someone today who has fantastic skills, amazing potential and a passion for what they want to do...and is telling themselves some really unhelpful lies "I am crap at..." "I can't do..." "I won't get..." Does this sound familiar? Is this something you do?

How much does it get in your way? Are you one of these who think it is 'realistic' to think this way? Let me tell you something, it isn't, it's negative. I know this because I used to say it was 'realistic' and I was always wrong! My worst case scenario's NEVER happened. Now, I believe that whatever happens, it will be for the best. If I am crap at something, I learn a lesson. If I can't do, I learn to do...or I stop trying to do ('s just too destructive!). If I don't get, I know that there's a good reason and I learn from trying.

Don't hold yourself back by focusing on what you are doing wrong, can't do and won't get...instead focus on showing up, doing your best and enjoying the ride.



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