Friday, October 19, 2007

Listening to the Signals

I was chatting to my Dad today - he isn't very well, so he stayed in bed this morning and feels a bit better (nothing serious, just this blasted bug that's going around). By contrast, my mom hasn't been feeling well for a week or more...and has been to work as normal, and is now doing the weekly shop because, and I quote "I feel like sh*t so I'm getting it out of the way".

Notice the difference - dad took time off and feels didn't and still feels pants. Anyone reckon this sends a clear message? And yet for many of us, it's difficult to rest when we don't feel well. After all, the world will fall apart without us, right? Not. Eventually, your body will get bored of hinting, and will go full out 'you must rest' and collapse on you!

Interestingly (well, to me!) I have a mix of the two...I want to rest so I do a little bit of resting and a little bit of working. It doesn't work too well though! My theory is that like everything else in life, every day I get a little better at hearing the signals!

The weekend cometh, what signals is your body giving you?



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