Monday, March 03, 2008

OnTheBeach: Hell is Other People

An online community I am part of had a discussion subject this week about negative people – here’s my reply…

This subject made me smile - I used to avoid negative people because they brought me down. Now, I welcome them...because their negativity doesn't mean anything to me. If someone is standing next to you wearing green, do you have to wear green? No! I know that is so easy to say once you've learnt to deal with them...and yes, sometimes a negative person will press on a bruise and 'get me'...but that's great too because they show me where I am not living in positivity!

Here's how I've 'dealt with' them:
1. Avoid them (out of sight, out of mind!!! It's a plaster rather than a fix)
2. Notice how they affect you and work out why - where do they show you where you are being negative? (The Work by Byron Katie is brilliant with this)
3. Remember that the world is a mirror FOR you - what are they bringing you that's positive? Eg a chance to reinforce your positivity, a lesson on how not to do it, a reminder to protect yourself from negative energy
4. Remember the law of attraction - are you focusing on their negative aspects? Focus on the kind of person you want in your life, focus on the positive things about the 'negative' people in your life.
5. Learn to love, not fear a negative person. if it's true that fear creates negativity, they're just scared. Awwwww. Bless them. And yourself when you are scared and negative.
6. Enjoy watching them, because they show you how far you've come!!!
7. Never, ever try to convince them that positivity is good by words, do it by living that way. When I was negative and cynical, it drove me mad that people told me to be positive! But people who just did it, and didn't join my pity, I still thank them for showing me the way!
8. Be compassionate with them and yourself. The more you learn, the less these people show up. Honest!

It’s interesting, when we start to be more positive ourselves, other people become less negative around us – once we get past the idea that the whole world has to be positive with us! Sometimes I still believe the Jean-Paul Sartre quote that ‘hell is other people’ , but most of the time I know that when other people are winding me up, it’s all about me, not them.

Something to play with
When negative people get you down this week, try some of the ideas above. Experiment and have fun with the idea that you can be surrounded by negative people, and still be a shiny, positive light! (If nothing else, it will irritate them immensely!) Want to share what’s going on for you? E-mail me.

The Personal Bit
Wow! What a week. I have been right at the very edge of my learning curve this week. It’s been months since I last felt this saturated with information. It’s all good stuff, but I really feel in need of a rest! Feels like that earthquake here in the UK did more than just wake me up petrified in the middle of the night. It’s shaken all sorts of things loose.

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