Wednesday, March 19, 2008

When Life Seems Jolly Rotten...

...there's something you've forgotten. And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing. (good old Monty Python)

When any situation in your life seems 'bad', what are you looking at? The cost, in time, money, energy? All the reasons that this is 'bad'? What if you were to actively seek the blessings in any situation? Think of a situation you are seeing as 'bad'. Now think of 10 blessings in this situation.

One of the most inspiring stories I ever heard was of a woman who lost her job, her husband, and discovered she had cancer, all in the space of a week! Her reaction? "I will have plenty of time to focus on getting well, and there will be no dirty socks to pick up!"

There is a bright side if you will only look for it.



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