Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Did the Earth Move for You?

Ooh, the big news! We had an earthquake here last night. 5.2 on the Richter Scale. Now, to those of you away from the UK, this might not sound like big news - but we haven't had an earthquake that strong in 20 years! And it's not exactly a common occurence here either - the last one was about 3 years ago.

I freely admit that I am a girly poof - the last earthquake terrified me, and this one scared me too. It only scared me this time because I woke up after the ground had stopped shaking, I thought I'd had a bad dream when I found myself sat up in bed with my heart pounding.

Anwyay, it got me thinking about foundations. Are your foundations strong enough to withstand an earthquake? I'm not talking about your house here. I am off in the world of metaphor - your personal foundations - confidence, money, self love and acceptance, and so on. You'll know if your foundations are rocky if you are easily knocked off track by small things.

Strong foundations mean you can withstand minor earthquakes, that might freak you out, but don't really harm you!



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