Saturday, February 02, 2008

Fit as a Butcher's Dog

This week I have been really getting the most from my gym membership, and energy for fitness. In the last 6 days, I have walked the dog 5 times, been to the gym twice, been swimming once, been to aquafit, pilates and belly dancing. And do you know what, I am knackered! But a nice knackered, rather than unhealthily knackered.

This is a really obvious thing to say, but life really does feel better when you are fitter! (not that I am actually that fit, but fitter than I was!) More oxygen gets to your brain, heart, muscles, you sleep better, and I haven't had one guilty twinge about the orange kitkat I am munching my way through.

If you're in the middle of winter like me, you might not want to get outside - it's cold and wet and hailing and windy and miserable. But trust me, if you do something active, you'll feel better. And despite January being the wettest for years here (apparently!), we have had some beautiful days - blue skies, sunshine.

So get out and about wherever you are.



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