Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Dragging your Heels

Does anyone have any idea when the UK shooting season finishes? It's ruining my walks with the dog. We are now down to 2 (out of about 12) walks that she will actually do, and even then, she drags her heels. I've been trying to convince her that they are not shooting at her, but she's having none of it!

Anyway, it reminded me of what we're like when we are being pulled towards something that we know will be great (like a field full of rabbits to chase)...and we drag our heels. For example, following the guidance of our body that says 'get exercise and stop eating chips' or the guidance of our heart that says 'this situation needs to change'.

Our dog is very lucky, she has me coaxing, encouraging (and occasionally badgering and dragging!!) her along cos I know she'll love the walk once she's chasing rabbits (or birds, or invisible things!). Are you so lucky? Do you have the support you need to keep going, even when you're scared and you think they're shooting at you (they're not)? The life you want is just waiting for you to stop dragging your heels.



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