Monday, February 11, 2008

OnTheBeach - Cut the Puppet Strings

Life is too short to waste chasing someone else’s dreams. But so many of us do just that. We live the life that someone else set out for us – our parents, our peers, our significant others. We do what is ‘safe’, what is ‘acceptable’, what is ‘normal’. The authentic desires that hide in your heart never disappear, they just wilt under the pressure of having to be just like everyone else.

Now, of course, I’m not talking about anything illegal, immoral or insane here. Just the normal desires in every heart to be unique, to be authentic, to be happy. And here’s the problem (or the solution!) – everyone is different. No one has exactly the same tastes and ideas. Some people like Muse, and some like Celine Dion. There is no right or wrong – just what makes you happy. For me, Muse = happy, Celine = torture.

I use the example of music because it’s an easy one to grasp – everyone knows that musical tastes vary and that’s ok (at least I hope you know that!). But when we get a little further afield than music, something happens. Suddenly your hopes and dreams aren’t ok. Suddenly your desires are ‘weird’ rather than unique. Authenticity is a bad thing because it makes you ‘different’.

Well, if you want to have a happy, joyful life, get really comfortable with being weird and different! Because we all are. Every last one of us is weird and wonderful, different and beautifully unique. The marvellous thing about the authentic desires in your heart is that they never disappear, and they are easy to revive! Just start to follow some of that heartfelt guidance. Even when someone else has a different opinion on what you should be doing with your life.

Notice the key words there? Your life. Can you feel someone else pulling the puppet strings in your life? Sometimes it is very subtle, sometimes it’s like a sledgehammer, but always it feels like you are not in control. When the puppet strings get cut, you get to live the life you want to live, not the life that someone else laid out for you. So who’s pulling your puppet strings, and do they really know better than you do what’s best for you?

Something to play with
Just notice who’s playing with your puppet strings. Notice where you are giving away your power to someone else. Notice what the stirrings of your heart are telling you to do, and just take one small step in the direction of your dreams. Get in touch if you'd like to share your puppet string stories - I love to hear from you, and reply to all comments and e-mails.



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