Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The winds of change

It's been slightly breezy here over the last 24 hours. I was tempted to put my washing out to dry but ended up deciding against it - the vision of chasing my underwear around the neighbourhood put me off. Anyway, this got me thinking about the winds of change. If the winds of change were to blow through your life, what would you like them to bring? More money? A more satisfying career? More joy? Better relationships?

Be specific about what you'd like the winds of change to bring - how much money, what sort of career, what joy, relationships with whom? And then BE YOUR OWN WINDS OF CHANGE. Start to make changes in your life that will make these things you want happen. If you like, you can be a gentle breeze, or you can be the force 10 gale that changes your life beyond all recognition.

Who'd have thought a bit of air movement could be so exciting?!



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