Monday, August 06, 2007

Groundhog Day

Regular readers will know that I have a penchant for crap, schmaltzy films. Yesterday I caught the last hour or so of Groundhog Day - pure schmaltz! Once again, these cheesy films have a serious message - maybe this repeated day isn't a curse, suggests Andie MacDowell. How do you see your 'groundhog day's? Those repetitive, get up, go to work, same old, same old kind of days - we all have you see yours as a curse or a gift?

Imagine if you really did repeat exactly the same day again and again, what would you do? Bill (Murray) saved some lives, learnt to play piano, did some ice sculpture, and ended by doing lots of good deeds and becoming the most popular guy in town. It's only when he is genuinely doing his best to be a good man that he is allowed to move onto another day...

Ok, we aren't doomed (or blessed) to repeat the day again and again until we get it right, but if you did have a day that would repeat over and over, what would you do? What would you learn? What would you do differently? What new skill would you pick up? Go on, have a think about it - if you had that day repeated 100 times, what would you do with it?

Once you get past the 'spend a fortune at the shops' type answers and into the 'learn french' or 'train as a nurse' type answers...why aren't you doing them now? There may be a very good reason why not (like 'learning to ski'...'can't be arsed'!), but there also might be things on there that there is no good reason not to do today.



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