Friday, August 10, 2007

Waiting for Inspriation to Hit

There are times when no matter how much I 'think', I can't think of a darn thing to say. I know I have tons of things I could write about, but they are unfortunately locked down in a brain that is full of cotton wool. My throat infection has cleared up, leaving a lovely snotty nose and thick head in it's wake. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the difference - feeling like I'm swallowing razor blades is never good news.

So, today's lesson is: When inspiration isn't striking, maybe it's time to do something else - in my case, snooze! I'm certain I'll be inspired once I've had a snooze. Not that it'll hit the blog til Monday though - I suspect my afternoon snooze will spell the end of the working week for me.

Have a great weekend!



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