Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Answer is Right There

It never fails to entertain me how often I am struggling with an issue, then come across other people, clients, friends, random blogs and newsletters that show the same issue... and more importantly show me my answers. Think for a minute of something that you are struggling with, a question you have about your life, something you would like answered. Now take a look around you - are there any friends, clients, family members or random people who have the same issue?

Be prepared to open out on this one - it may not be EXACTLY the same, and they won't be dealing with it in the same way (they are not you, so they can't deal with it your way!). What is the answer for them, as you see it? Can this answer apply to you and your situation?

When you can't see the wood for the trees, look out to the other people in your life to show you the path to take.



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