Monday, November 26, 2007

Responsibility and Ridiculousness

On the way back from the pool today, I got into a little altercation with a man in a car. It was one of those silly things - he pulled out in front of me, I raised my arms as if to say 'what? you couldn't see me?', he started gesticulating wildly and getting cross, I raised the finger, he continued to gesticulate wildly and decided to brake sharply while I leaned on the horn and explained in words of one syllable what a pratt he was!

Ridiculous. Now, his response was inappropriate, over-the-top and absurd (in my opinion!), but I have to take some responsibility for my reaction too...which was also pointless. At first I was just a bit irritated, then I thought 'OY!', then I was really cross. What for? He cut me happens. My reaction was instantaneous and utterly useless - it wasn't going to make any difference at all.

And it did make the situation worse. I could say 'he started it'. I could also say 'he was the one who ...', but ultimately I played a part in it. I could have stepped out of that at any point, and let him take his bad day out on someone else! Ultimately, it is not a big deal - and we both made it much worse than it needed to be. But as I can't control what goes on in his car (much as I'd like to be a self-appointed 'driving police'), I can only control what's happening in mine.

Eventually, I did. I concentrated on my own driving, my own journey, and let him continue his. With my blessings...and a little bit of guilt. Hope his blood pressure is ok now!

What situations (that don't matter) are you adding to, and making worse? Could you do the sensible thing, and just 'step out' of the argument?



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