Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Frustrating Thing

Frustration. I know him well. He is a constant companion of impatience and irritation. All of which are regular visitors, none of whom have been particularly helpful up til now. You see, the way I have dealt with them is to firstly try to ignore them, while their presence gets stronger and stronger until eventually they take over what I am doing, and I work from that angry energy for a while...until I realise it's not helpful and let it go.

If you're feeling frustrated, angry, impatient, irritated, notice that is how you feel. Let yourself feel it for a few minutes...and then LET IT GO. Your frustration may come back for a visit, but you only need have a quick chat on the doorstep before you let it move on again. And again. And again.

Frustration is like a little warning flame - it's only when you try to hold on to it that it burns you.



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