Monday, January 14, 2008

Feeling Very Monday-ish

I've been feeling very Monday-ish today. When I started working for myself, I deliberately arranged Mondays so that I wouldn't have to feel Monday-ish. Today, it didn't work. I am feeling under-enthused, unmotivated, uninspired, not really like working at all.

In fact, I've felt like doing chores! It's most unlike me, I normally hate doing chores because I'd rather do something interesting. Not today, I'm just in the mood for repetitive, boring things I don't really need to concentrate on.

Now you'd think as a coach, I would be 'geeing myself up' and employing positive thinking techniques. However, I've never been a big fan of pretending I feel great when I actually feel a bit ordinary. To me, that's denial! Instead, I have spent the day just reaching for a slightly better feeling, then a slightly better one, then a slightly better one...and so on.

Massive leaps in mood are difficult, from depression to joy is a long way when you're down there. But you can feel a little better, and a little better, until you are feeling a lot better! Just remember to work from where you are. We all have monday-ish days, where we're just not feeling the best. If you can, allow yourself to be fed up for a bit, then just ask of yourself a slightly better feeling.

It's a lot easier to climb the ladder one rung at a time than to leap six feet (miss, fall down and feel even more battered and bruised than you did before!).



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