Sunday, September 24, 2006

A readership!

One of the very strange things about writing a blog is that you often have no idea how many people (if any) are reading what you write. You imagine that someone, somewhere might be flicking a careless eye over your words...but you don't know. 3 weeks ago I had myself almost convinced that there was not a soul out there reading this blog. Then a few people got in touch to say they'd read and enjoyed my blog, and even better, I was berated by friends that they found out about Copenhagen and Chronic Fatigue from reading this!

So now I know there is a readership, and I am delighted that you are learning about me and enjoying what I have to say. HAZAH! (and slightly wierded out that people I don't know are reading's a very random world we now live in) It just goes to prove that 'unseen impact' - just cos I don't know you're reading, doesn't mean I have no impact. Ye gods, this is like one of those 'if a tree falls over in the woods and nobody's there' questions isn't it?

And it strikes me that everyone should have a blog, so that in the press of life these days, their friends can catch up with what's going on for them! (of course, much better to spend time with them in person...but if they live in Australia and you don't, that's difficult!)

Anyway, thank you for reading. Thank you for being there. Thank you for getting in touch. Thank you for being you. Love ya.


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