Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The unseen effect

It never fails to amaze me how the universe will conspire to give you help and inspiration when you need it - if you are willing to listen. I have been putting off blogging all day because I didn't know what to write...and putting off a few other things too for that matter. As I am a Master at pissing about, I have occupied my time well - booking tickets, shopping, e-mailing, writing anything but my blog.

Just as I was about to give up for the day, I had an e-mail from Celia just saying 'thank you' for what I'm doing. The effect of this has been electrifying on me! I noticed straight away that THIS is what I want to write about today - the effect that you have on people just by doing what you do. I had an effect on Celia that prompted her to e-mail me, Celia had the effect of inspiring me and totally cheering me up on a grey wednesday nowhere near the beach!

As you read this, you are having an impact on someone else's life - make it like mine and Celia's - one that makes others grateful! Now I can get on with the other things I need to do with a big smile on my face.


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