Monday, September 25, 2006

What I do...

It occurs to me that although I know exactly what I do, there are those who might not.

I work with people one on one and in groups to help them to find their purpose, passion and joy in life. How? By coaching, teaching techniques, ideas and concepts, showing, telling stories - whatever works! One to one I will work with people to find out what gives them joy and how they will access more of that joy - it is different for everyone as we are all unique. In groups I work on the telephone and in workshops (where I stand at the front and talk and coach as a leader) to do exactly the same thing.

What do people get from this? More confidence, greater clarity on why they are here and what they want from life, more joy, more passion, more self love, a sense that they are responsible for their lives, a chance to make their lives amazing and their world a better place.

Who do I work with? Fun, creative, energetic, joyful, passionate people...or people who want to be these things! Contrary to popular belief, coaching is not for 'broken' people - it is for whole people who want to access the magnificence that they are at heart. And each one of us is truly magnificent and unique.

Who do you know who would like more confidence, joy, clarity, passion, fun, responsiblity for their own lives? Maybe they would benefit from coaching? I have room in my coaching practice right now for 6 new clients - get in touch now to be one of them!


PS do those around you know exactly what you do and how they can help you?

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