Saturday, February 17, 2007

Their Business

There are people in this world I care about very much. All my friends, family, clients, even people I don't know about yet! I care intensely about the people in this world. I care that they are happy, that they feel free to be themselves, that they have confidence and joy in their life, that they are the very best them they can be, that they can accept themselves.

When you care about someone very much, isn't it natural to worry about them? Hmm. Maybe 'habitual' rather than 'natural'. Now you see, because I am giving up worrying for lent, I need to extend this out to not worrying about other words staying out of their business. Of course, if they need me to talk to them, I will. If they need me to help them, I will. But I shan't worry.

What's the point? Can I change their circumstances? No. (and even if I think I know the answer, would I be happy for them to live my life for me? NO.) Sometimes your friends lives are like car-crash tv...and all you can do is watch, horrified. What if you trusted them to make the right decisions for them (even if it appears to be a monumental f-up!)? Would you be in their business?

Whose life are you living anyway? Me, I'm living mine...and working on staying in my own business and out of everyone else's. Because I trust them to do the right thing for them. And I know whatever they do, they'll be ok...and I'll still be here to be their friend whatever happens.



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