Friday, February 02, 2007

Who is this peaceful lady?

Last week a friend of mine commented on how much calmer and more peaceful I was these days. I personally hadn't really noticed because I still have my hysterical, furious, over-reacting moments. Once I thought about it though, these happen rarely (as opposed to hourly!). And then, yesterday I got stuck in traffic. This is how it normally goes:

"oh SHIT, traffic. what the f*** is going on here. oh great, i'm going to be late. seethe. well, I can't do anything so might as well chill and turn the radio up. oh good, 3rd gear. now why the hell are we stopped again?!! has some other idiot had an accident? Great. Not. Oh wow 5th gear - can I stand the excitement?! oh for f***s sake, why have we stopped AGAIN. Grrrr." and so on for the length of the delay.

Yesterday, it went "Oh shit, traffic. Wonder what's happened. Turn the radio up. Dance about. Smile at other drivers trying to switch lanes (and then getting stuck). Sing loudly. Open window and wave arms about in a stretching sort of way. Advise client am running between half an hour and 2 hours late depending on what happens. Accept situation completely. Be amused by angry drivers. Laugh aloud with joy at other people who are singing and dancing." and so on.

Wierd. I have been 'Zen'd. I don't claim this will happen every time - this is the first time I have ever been THAT calm in traffic. And here's the thing...I didn't go from 'road rage' to 'zen' in 5 seconds flat, I have made teeny changes over the last few years. To make a complete 180 turn, move 1 degree, then another. Suddenly a complete stranger is driving your car with a peaceful smile on her face. It's all good...always!



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