Monday, February 05, 2007

The Bulldozer Diaries

My first coach gave me a road-based metaphor for my journey - a bulldozer haring off through the wilderness, crashing through the woods, falling down cliffs, etc. For some time I've been entertaining myself with 'the bulldozer diaries' and today I decided to share them with the world! Check them out at Truly random.

Seriously though - putting your journey into a road based metaphor is surprisingly insightful and helpful! What can seem like a disaster in real life just looks funny inside a road based metaphor, and what you need to do can become obvious once you get yourself out of it. Like when I was stuck in quicksand...the answer was to go backwards (something I would have resisted in 'real' the metaphor it was obvious).

Try it - what is your vehicle? What road are you on? Or are you an off roader like me? What are the signposts (or quicksand bogs) telling you? How's your fuel tank? Where are you going? Is that where you wanted to go? Have some fun with this, it's a scream...and I'd love to hear about it!



1 comment:

DonnaOnTheBeach said...

Ye gods, I hate it when people do this! That link is basically a promotion for firefox downloads. It's bugger all to do with anything interesting and 0324haiwei - have you ever heard of integrity?!