Wednesday, February 07, 2007

It's the little things

At the start of this week, I was stressed. My bank account was looking a little pale (xmas, holiday, dad's 60th, over-excitement at not being maxed out on overdraft in Jan) and then a couple of little things happened - I realised I needed petrol, and my shopping came to more than expected. Only 2 little things, but they threatened to send me crashing over the edge. (PMT didn't help!)

And then, the tide turned dramatically. I won some beetroot (the fact that I don't like beetroot is irrelevant!), I was sent a subscription to an online magazine, a friend sent me a dvd, I got some books I'd been really looking forward to from Amazon, my friend's birthday night out cost less than anticipated. Again, each of these may sound like really small, insignificant things but they meant the world to me, and arrived at just the right time.

Normally, I would have dwelt on the 2 little 'bad' things (and I could have added more) and worked myself into a frenzy of stress, completely ignoring all the little good things (or making them 'bad' - cursing myself for spending money on something as frivolous as books when there's petrol to buy!). But this time it was the opposite. Law of Attraction - like attracts like. So, focusing on the good stuff makes you feel good and attracts more good stuff. Fabulous.

So, thank you to those people whose generosity this week have kept me focused on how good I have feels good!



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