Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Back to Basics

Yesterday I put my foot on the accelerator pedal, and somehow manage to do my back in! It is quite an achievement as I did nothing different, nothing bizarre - I didn't try to wrap my leg once round my neck first...I just went to accelerate and YEOUCH! The interesting thing about having a bad back is that you realise just how much you take your back for granted.

Suddenly, turning over in bed is a new experience and fraught with danger, walking becomes something to concentrate on, sitting still is a must. Reaching for a tin has the potential to put you into spasms of agony, and trips to the loo turn into a half-hour of fun (or torture, depending on your perspective!). Everything you do all day is related to your back.

So, today, I have been back to basics - I am only doing what I absolutely must do, and doing it slowly and with concentration. Despite my fears that the world might end if I didn't walk the dog or vacuum the house (shhh - don't even mention the vac in front of my back!), it hasn't.

Just for today, get back to basics. Self-care, fun and laughter. Anything else can wait until tomorrow.



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