Friday, June 08, 2007

Let's get Happy

I'm reading Michael Neill's 'Feel Happy Now' at the moment, and there is a cool exercise in there - how happy are you now, on a scale of 1-10? What could you do to take yourself one point higher? EG if you're a 7, what could you do now to take yourself to an 8?

Sounds quite simple, eh? Yes, and I've been experimenting with this for a few days, and each time I have managed to take my happiness level up a notch within seconds - sitting up straighter, thinking a better thought, doing something i want to do, remembering that life's all good...always!

I realised 3 things: 1. Happiness is a choice, we just choose unconsciously ... and badly! 2. I can change my level of happiness easily and quickly. 3. Being happier is much better than feeling sadder!

Experiment with this today and see your happiness levels rise!


PS anybody know where I can get a nice ankle chain? I've broken my old ones and I NEED a new one, or two...the trouble is, I got lots of nice ones in Australia (that lasted years), and the ones I've found since are not robust or pretty enough for me. Any help welcomed!

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