Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Message to Do Less

I often get 'messages' for my life - for example, this week the message is to 'clear' - I've heard from several sources about clutter clearing, and clearing space, and clearing time. It's no coincidence that the message is being repeated again and again from different angles. The universe sometimes has to beat me over the head to get me to hear a message!

But this message of clearing - clutter, space and time is a really key one for me. I can easily fill every hour of the rest of my natural life! I could stay at my desk until midnight...and still have things 'to do', because there's always things 'to do'! The infinite to do list. So this week, I've clutter cleared, I've time cleared, and I'm space clearing. This space is in my working day, and it's space to finish for the day!

Trevor Hoskisson reminded me of a great time management tool - a list of 7 things you'll do that day. Do each one, and then when they are done, stop. I'm nearly done for today...and the space that has cleared by allowing myself to 'finish' my day is mesmerising!

What do you need to clear? Time? Space? Stuff?

And what messages are you being sent again, and again, and again? Is it time you listened?



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