Monday, September 03, 2007

Rediscover the Thrill of the Chase

I recently bought myself some 'self-care' and 'Grace' cards from Cheryl Richardson. (I like to pull a card every day to give me some insight into my own self care) Over the weekend, a card that came up was 'Patience: be willing to sacrifice good for great'.

Contemplate that for a minute.

The world we live in is a full on, instant, now, now, now kind of world. Any gratification must be instantaneous or we won't bother. Nothing is worth the effort. If it takes more than 5 minutes, why bother? Ok, it's a sweeping generalisation, and many of us don't really live like that. This card has stayed with me, I keep worrying at it, like a loose tooth.

Not only does the idea of 'great' over 'good' appeal to me, it also includes the thrill of the chase - the idea of working towards something fantastic, something wonderful, and reveling in the journey, as well as the achievement of the goal. You'll never take this part of your journey again - are you feeling the adrenalin rush of chasing the life you want? Are you enjoying the chase?

Or are you moaning that the life you want isn't here yet? Which one do you think would be the most fun?



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