Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Viva Espana!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...I'm just getting back into the swing of things after a long weekend in Spain with my friend Debbie, her hubby Marcus, and the puppies Dani and Fug. It's nice to see that someone else's dogs steal shoes, underwear, and anything that isn't nailed down. I think our Mollie would get on well with Dani and Fug!

Anyway, it's been harder than I thought to get back into working...especially as I am off on a week's hols in Tenerife in 13 days (not that I'm counting!). It hardly seems worth starting anything... I'm a great believer in following my energy, and yesterday and today my energy is more scattered than focused on work stuff. It seems I need time to get used to being home.

Amazing that you can feel so disoriented after just 3 and a half days away! In times past, I would have ignored the signals that I need to ease back in, and just forced myself to push past the barriers and FOCUS. Just the thought of that now bewilders me. Why would you ignore the signals of your body, mind, heart and spirit? The reason is simple - because we think we 'should' be superwomen/men.

Never mind that you don't feel up to it, get on with it! Something I think the Spanish do rather well is to live life at their own pace, rather than at 1000 miles an hour. Looking out of my window at a grey, cold day, I realise that they also do weather rather well. Sigh. However, I am getting used to being back...and I find myself (now I've allowed a slow 'ease' back in) looking forward to getting on with some stuff.

What signals are you ignoring from your body, mind, heart and spirit?



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