Wednesday, September 12, 2007

You Can Only Do What You're Doing

Following on from yesterday's mini-tizz, I had a chat with my friend Jon Willis this morning. Jon does 'The Work' and helped me today to go through the process with this 'I've got to do everything today' belief which was still lingering. What he helped me to realise was just how unhelpful this particular belief is. Not only is it stressful, it also ensures that I cannot be present in anything I'm doing.

Walking the dog, and worrying about what else I should be doing. Writing this, and worrying about what else I should be doing. Meeting friends I love to bits, and worrying about what I haven't done! I miss out on so much because I'm mentally elsewhere. In 'should've-land'. Completely pointless! As Jon pointed out, I can only do what I'm doing. Right now, I can only be writing this - I can't walk the dog while I write. Or write something else. Or write a card. Or anything else!

With that realisation, I can relax. And just do what I am doing in this moment. I will enjoy walking the dog when I get to that. I will thoroughly enjoy meeting my friends when I am doing that. In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy whatever I find myself doing in each moment. Hmm...sounds a bit like a recipe for a happy life!

Are you mentally in another time zone, or are you enjoying what you are doing right now? (you're reading I hope you are making the effort to enjoy it too!!!!)



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