Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Aaaah...the relief!

Ok, so without going into details - it was less painful and less embarrassing than I expected. It was also successful in that my digestive system is healthy and happy (if somewhat noisy this afternoon!). Phew. The boiled sweets are in the bin, the last of the jelly has been chucked too, and the choice of food I can now have is bewildering!

Having said that, it's wierd, I don't want much now. I had a sausage and egg sandwich this morning, and a bit of chocolate, but I haven't been my usual snack-aholic self. Have I broken my habit of snacking for the sake of it? Unlikely, but it has been interesting to contemplate that because I am so aware of the choice that I have, I am being quite reserved (instead of the expected opposite that I would eat my way through everything in the house then move on to the next door neighbours fridge!).

I noticed this when I went travelling too - once it wasn't possible to buy lots of tat on a regular basis, even when I could, I didn't want to because I could see I didn't need to. So, how does this relate to purpose, passion and joy? Well, I believe that we aneasthetise ourselves with food, drink, drugs, shopping and a hundred other things. Take a look at what you do on a day to day basis - do you do it out of passion, to give you joy?

Or do you do it from habit, boredom and to take away the pain of a life without passion? No judgement, no blame - the world has spent years creating these anaesthetics, no wonder we partake of them. But when you 'wake up' will you be happy with how you spent the last year? Or will you think 'another year of drudgery gone'. If its' the latter, start bringing passion, purpose and joy into your life, a little bit at a time.

I gotta tell ya, aaaaaaaaah....the relief of a life of purpose, passion and joy.



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