Thursday, November 09, 2006

Think a better thought...or swear your way through

I fully believe that in any moment you can choose to think a better thought - a thought that doesn't make you feel like a moron...or whatever your thoughts are causing you to think. There are times however, when an explosion of bad language is really the only way to bring you to a point when you can think a better thought.

Take this evening, I got stuck in traffic - and I DETEST being stuck in traffic. I don't mind as long as I am moving, but stationary traffic turns me into a monster...especially when it's my own stupid fault for taking a different route which turns out to be the worst decision since Britney and K-Fed. Grrr. I talked to myself gently - think a better thought, and tried to coax myself into better humour.

However, this was one of those times when only f'ing, blinding and generally screaming every swear word I could think of would do. I must say, after my 30 minute tirade of bad language and abuse to myself and anyone else I could see (except the bus driver who let me out in traffic - I love him, very much) I felt MUCH better. And could think many better thoughts.

I wonder if there's a market for a personal development book called 'f*!$ off out of my way, you w£$%^&'?



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