Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Choose Who You Are

Who are you?

Who are you when you are not being busy?

Who are you when you are relaxed and on holiday?

If the answers to all 3 are not the same, why not? To be clear, I'm not just asking you...I'm asking me too! I've realised recently that although I think I am very relaxed and chilled and very 'myself'...I am also a busyholic! And often far too tired in my time off to be any more than 'in the room', never mind being my joyful, passionate, friendly, humourous self! Sound familiar? It seems to be a 21st century plague!

And here's the wierdest thing about it...we get to choose who we are! Yes, we get to choose being stressed, short-tempered, tired, arsey. Ok, nobody (well, not many people!) would choose that deliberately. We choose it unconsciously by what we do. Why are we stressed? Because we spend too much time being busy and not enough resting. Why are we short-tempered? Over-tired. Why are we tired? Not enough rest and recuperation.

If you can be fun, lively, energetic and gorgeous on holiday, you can do it all the time. You just need to change your choices. As ever, this doesn't have to be a drastic choice - just small changes to your life will have a profound impact on your personality. Ask anyone who has taken up yoga or has a massage...1 hour of that and suddenly you are relaxed and chilled!

The question really is who do you want to be?



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