Friday, April 13, 2007

Sweets, Sciatica and sore throats

I am in the wars today - I have sciatica (not helped, unsurprisingly, by my belly dance class today) and a really bad sore throat - you know the sort that it hurts to swallow with? aaargh. Years ago, when I was a smoker, I had constant throat problems and lost my voice on average once a month. I went to see a voice therapist, who told me that throat sweets are really bad for sore throats and that chewy sweets, like opal fruits, chewitts etc were much better.

What a magnificent piece of advice! Ever since that conversation, I have chomped my way through sweets whenever I have a sore throat - and it works. The reason being that those sweets stimulate your own saliva which lubricates the throat better than anything else. However, a problem exists. Today, I have eaten a packet of opal fruits and 4 packets of chewitts...they ease my throat momentarily only.

And now I feel sick. And my throat is still sore! It is a terrible shame for me. What's my point? For once, I don't have one. I am sure there is a lesson to be learnt in here somewhere, but frankly my butt hurts (the sciatica), my throat hurts...and I don't care about the lesson. Unless of course, it is to take better care of myself...hmm I guess I could do that. If you will excuse me, I hear the call of a good book.

Don't forget your self care this weekend!


PS Didn't think I could get through a post without a point...I'll try harder next time. Maybe

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