Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Opera and experience

I went to the Opera last night, Madam Butterfly. It has been said by several people who know me that they would never have believed me an opera fan! Quite right too - I'm not exactly your stereotypical opera-goer. What I am though, is open minded to new experiences...and I love to try out new stuff. When I was in Australia, I decided that I had to see an opera at the Opera House...and discovered that I loved it.

It's been 6 years since I went to the opera for the first time, and in those intervening years I only went once. Last night, during the first act (in which I was utterly lost) I wondered what the heck I was doing there...until the moment that I got goosebumps, my hair stood on end, and I was utterly transfixed. The opera, for me, is not a passive experience that I just is a visceral experience that somehow makes my heart and soul soar...even when my head is going 'what the f...'

That moment of goosebumps is worth the ticket price on its own...and when you get 20 of those moments, plus a beautiful production of an opera, you are onto a winner. I might never have gone to an opera in my life - as I said, I'm not a typical opera-goer...but I am so glad I gave it a try...and in 2 months time, Carmen - I can't wait! (although I will make sure I have a clue of the plot in the first act this time)

What might you enjoy the experience of if you let yourself try?



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