Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The wisdom of maturity

I just re-read my post from Monday and started laughing. Here's me being all high-handed and on my soap box about expressing your marvellous eccentricity...and not a decade ago, I would have judged someone who went to the opera, or went for a walk, or did anything outside my 'circle of normality'.

When did it shift...well, when I discovered that walking and opera were good! When I realised that so many of my judgements were wrong. When I realised that I wasn't as worldly wise as I thought I was. And mostly, when I went travelling. Travellers are a curious cross section of society - you meet so many people you would not ordinarily come across...and thus are led to a dazzling array of activities and ideas you didn't know existed.

Getting older does the same sort of thing...if you let it. Just by living, year after year, and learning from new people and places and ideas. By being open to the wonder life has to show you every single day...if you look for it. The wisdom of maturity to me is that happy realisation that there is so much to learn, experience, see, do, feel, hear...quite wonderful. That's why I intend to live til I am 105 - so I can fall even more deeply in love with life!

Agatha Christie said "I like life. I have somtimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing." Hear hear.

Are you getting wiser as you get older? Or are you getting narrower? Do you embrace life? Or do you tightly control life? My vote is that you spread out your arms and welcome life in...



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