Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Appreciation for those closest to you

How do you think about your partner, family, friends and colleagues? Is it a largely negative view of what they don't do - those things that if they loved you, they'd just know. How infuriating they are when they leave dishes in the sink, wake you up at a ridiculous hour, ask stupid questions, don't do what you ask them to do, haven't called you in weeks.

OR do you think of them with appreciation and love? Do you dwell on how wonderful they are? Do you think about their gifts? Do you thank your lucky stars every day that these incredible people are in your life?

If it's the second approach, you are a rare bird! And probably a happier one than the majority of us who spend an awful lot of time complaining that other people are not psychic, or good enough at housework, or as perfect as we are ;-). Seriously, check how much time you spend criticising the people in your life (in your head as well as aloud) - is it more or less time than you spend appreciating them?

I am experimenting at the moment with appreciating people more than I criticise (especially in my head). It was brought home to me today by my dad. Who had to kill a rabbit - it had no eyes and was obviously really sick - he hated doing it, but 'when things have to be done, you do 'em', he said. I couldn't have done that - I'm a true girlie! But he was able to put the poor animal out of it's misery, even though it hurt him to do so.

It sounds like an odd thing to be proud of my dad for - and he has many more gifts and talents. But today, I am really proud of him for that - for compassionate decisive action. I am a lucky girl to have such a wunnerful dad. Do you realise how lucky you are to have the people in your life that you do?



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