Monday, August 21, 2006

One of those days

Today is one of those days when I feel as if I 'should' be doing 'something' and yet I am not in the mood for doing anything I feel like I should be doing!!! I don't feel like writing, I don't feel like doing my search engine optimisation stuff, I don't feel like marketing, I don't feel like talking to anyone! It's not that I'm particularly in a bad mood, I'm just feeling a little 'in limbo'.

I have already got a lot done today - I've got my accounts to almost ready to send to the revenue, cleared my e-mail, crossed 8 important things off my to do list, taken the dog for a walk, washed my bedding, the list goes on and on. So, why do I feel such a destinct lack of achievement? there's nothing that really needs doing today...plenty I could do, if I wanted to!

I have a saying on my wall which says 'Accept what is', and I guess I'll just have to accept that I'm not feeling particularly productive and just be proud and grateful for what I have achieved today. Hmm...I feel better already!



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