Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Reasons to be grateful...

You may have heard of the 'attitude of gratitude' - do you know why gratitude is a good thing? Firstly, by focusing on what you HAVE, you are happier - did you ever get happy dwelling on loneliness, fear, lack and poverty? Gratitude helps you to dwell on the good stuff - on how lucky you are. Simply, it makes you feel better! I get an absolute rush whenever I think how grateful I am to be alive - there's a line in a song by Matchbox 20 which sums it up perfectly - "you're laughing out loud just at the thought of being alive". YES!

Secondly, if you believe in the laws of attraction (and even if you don't!), like attracts like so when you are grateful you attract more opportunities to be grateful. If you can take this a step further and be grateful for things that aren't here yet, you will bring them to you faster! (and make them real) For example I was grateful for my successful business long before I had one.

It also gives other people permission to be grateful. Ever been in a room where everyone is moaning and you feel as if you need to join in, rather than say 'I feel great - I am lucky to be alive!' Most people I know have been in that position - help them out - be grateful.

Today I am very grateful that my dad is well - he had a colonoscopy and he is healthy - THANKYOU! I am grateful that I can go for a walk with my mom and my dog in the sunshine - THANKYOU! I am grateful for my successful business - THANKYOU! And I am grateful for my sunny disposition - THANKYOU!


PS to take it a step further, start a gratitude journal and list every day what you have to be grateful for - I started by 'forcing' myself to list 5 things - now I can have 30 things easily EVERY DAY. I am grateful that I have so much to be grateful for! THANKYOU.

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